Fern Orie
Vice Chairperson
Oweesta Corp.
(715) 614-4840
Fern Orie (Oneida) is the Chief Programs Officer Executive Vice President of Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships for the Oweesta Corporation. Previously, she served as founding CEO of the certified Native community development financial institution (CDFI), Wisconsin Native Loan Fund, a statewide housing and consumer revolving loan fund. Ms. Orie has nearly 20 years of experience in the Native housing field. Prior to her community and economic development work, she was in the Indian gaming sector for 10 years. Ms. Orie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Lakeland University and received certification as an Economic Development Finance Professional (E.D.F.P) from the National Development Council.
Ms. Orie is a strong advocate and very active in the Native community and economic development field in her region and at the national level. She is the Chairperson of the Wisconsin Indian Business Alliance and has served on the Native CDFI Network Board of Directors as the Vice Chair and was the Chairperson for the Membership Committee. In addition, Ms. Orie serves on the Board of Directors and Loan Committee of Bay Bank, a tribally-owned bank. She is a member of the Woodland Indian Arts Board and also serves on the Forward Community Investments New Markets Tax Credit Advisory Board.