March 6, 2013
For the second year in a row, the Native CDFI Network, a network created to unify and strengthen Native community development financial institutions (CDFIs), traveled to Washington DC to advance policy priorities that foster systemic and sustainable Native community and economic development. This year’s Native CDFI Network delegation spent the last week in February in Washington DC and was comprised of seven Native CDFI representatives from around the country who:

  • Attended the U.S. Treasury’s Community Development Advisory Board Meeting and the CDFI Fund’s Information Session on the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program Interim Rule
  • Fostered relationships with the National Congress of American Indians, NeighborWorks America, and Partners for Common Good
  • Met with the Department of Interior Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development and the U.S. Treasury Office of Financial Education
  • Attended six Hill visits with various Senators and/or their staff

Read the detailed summary of this year’s Native CDFI Network DC trip.

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