Native CDFI Network Board Chair, Pete Upton, addresses the audience at our 2018 Annual Conference & Advocacy Day in Washington, DC.

January 4, 2019

Our Board of Directors has announced a leadership transition underway at the Native CDFI Network. Our founding Executive Director, Tanya Fiddler, will be pursuing new opportunities. We wish Tanya the best of luck in her new ventures and would like to thank her for her many contributions to the Native CDFI Network as well as Indian Country. Tanya was involved with the Native CDFI Network since its original formation in 2009 and saw the organization through several years of growth.

We are proud that the Native CDFI Network has developed into a strong advocate and has worked hard to bring Native CDFIs to the table in regional and national policy dialogues. Our collective effort has been paramount to creating access to capital in Native communities. We will continue uniting the Native voice to achieve our policy agenda, and working to build the capacity of Native CDFIs across the country.

The Native CDFI Network’s Board of Directors is fully committed to ensuring a smooth transition. Our Board Chair, Pete Upton, (Executive Director of Native360 Loan Fund), will actively managing this leadership transition and will be guiding the Network’s daily operations. Should you have any questions, Pete welcomes your phone calls and emails.

Pete Upton
Native CDFI Network, Board Chair
phone – 308-850-0303
email – [email protected]

As we start out this new year, we are hopeful for what the future will bring and are excited to lead the Native CDFI Network through this new phase of development.

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