Department of the Interior Releases Investigative Report, Outlines Next Steps in Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative

On Wednesday, May 11, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland released Volume 1 of the investigative report called for as part of the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative, a comprehensive effort to address the troubled legacy of federal Indian boarding school policies. This report lays the groundwork for the continued work of the Interior Department to address the intergenerational trauma created by historical federal Indian boarding school policies.

As part of the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative and in response to recommendations from the report, Secretary Haaland today announced the launch of “The Road to Healing.” This year-long tour will include travel across the country to allow American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian survivors of the federal Indian boarding school system the opportunity to share their stories, help connect communities with trauma-informed support, and facilitate collection of a permanent oral history.

To read Volume 1 of the Report, please click here.

To access support resources provided by The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition, please click here.

Upcoming NCN Webinars:

Initiate: A Blended Learning Approach to Technical Assistance by Northern Initiatives

Thursday, May 19, 2:00 p.m. EDT
Chris Wendel and Jessa Armstrong from Northern Initiatives will present Initiate, an online collection of best practice business resources. With its vetted videos, resources, tools, and templates, Initiate helps both beginning and experienced business owners improve and realize business success. Through a “Blended Learning” of Initiate’s online learning and coaching, business owners have been able to use Initiate to successfully grow their businesses. The webinar will feature a tour of the Initiate website and show examples of challenges that entrepreneurs face and how Initiate’s Blended Learning provides relatable solutions.

NCN Institute’s 2022 Sessions Are Now Full!

Registration for NCN’s 2022 Summer Training Series with Jack Northrup has reached capacity. New registrations are no longer being accepted. A video recording will be posted to the NCN website following each session. Registration has ended for the following sessions:

  • June 15 – Small Business Loan Underwriting
  • July 13 – Advanced Cash Flow Projections
  • August 17 – Loan Product Price Pointing/Market Choice

NCN Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit: DECEMBER 6-8, 2022

Native CDFI leaders, staff, and other interested stakeholders are encouraged to save December 6-8, 2022 on their calendars to attend the Native CDFI Network’s 2022 Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit in Washington, D.C. The Summit will be held at the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) Conference Center near Capitol Hill, with lodging options within close walking distance of the event. The first day (December 6) will feature a capacity-building training for attendees. Stay tuned for more details!

Why is it so important to SAVE THE DATE to attend NCN’s Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit on December 6-8, 2022! Watch NCN’s new three-minute video to find out! CLICK BELOW!

NCN “Difference Makers” Interview Series: Tawney Brunsch and Dave Castillo

Last week, the Native CDFI Network released its latest edition of “Native CDFIs: Difference Makers for Indian Country,” an interview with Executive Director Tawney Brunsch of Lakota Funds. To read the interview, please click here.

Coming this Thursday: “Difference Makers” sits down with Dave Castillo, CEO of Native Community Capital (NCC), a federally certified Native CDFI that maintains offices in New Mexico and Arizona.

To read the other interviews in NCN’s “Difference Makers” series, please click here.

CDFI Fund Releases Qualified Equity Investment Report for New Markets Tax Credit Program

Last week, the CDFI Fund at the U.S. Department of the Treasury released its monthly Qualified Equity Investment Report for the New Markets Tax Credit Program for May 2022. To review the Report, please click here.

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