The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) at the Department of Treasury issued a Supplemental FAQs that amends the geographic eligibility guidelines for the FY 2022 Equitable Recovery Program (ERP) to include federally designated tribal service counties and service areas as “eligible Native areas” for the purposes of ERP (for the full explanation, please see page 5). The Native CDFI Network and its member Native CDFIs had been advocating for this change since the FY 2022 ERP funding round was announced.

To view the CDFI ERP Supplemental FAQs, please click here.

The CDFI Fund will hold a virtual Supplemental FAQs Webinar this Thursday, August 25 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. EDT to explain the amended guidelines. You can access the webinar here, and below is the log-in information:

Dial: 888-469-0853
Conference: PWXW2865601
Passcode: 2144396

Click here for more information about the CDFI ERP Program and application.

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