Native CDFI leaders, staff, and other interested stakeholders are encouraged to save December 6-8, 2022 on their calendars to attend the Native CDFI Network’s 2022 Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit in Washington, D.C. The Summit will be held at the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) Conference Center near Capitol Hill — 224 2nd St SE, Washington, D.C., DC 20003 — with lodging options within close walking distance of the event. The first day (December 6) will feature a capacity-building training for attendees.

We are excited to announce the following speakers with more to come:

  • Robert Miller, Book Author, “Reservation Capitalism”
  • Pilar Thomas, Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP
  • Onna LaBeau, Director, Office of Indian Economic Development, Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • Tim Rios, Senior Vice President & Rural Strategy Leader, Wells Fargo
  • Jodie Harris,  Director, CDFI Fund, U.S. Department of Treasury
  • Gary Cunningham, President and CEO, Prosperity Now
  • Mellor Willie, Director of Native Strategy and Partnerships, NeighborsWorks America
  • Casey Lozar, Center for Indian Country Development 
  • Ammar Askari, Director, Community Affairs Outreach, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency – Native American Housing White Paper
  • Matthew Schiltz, Federal Trade Commission, Fraud Impacting Native Communities 
  • Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors and Representatives from St. Louis, Minneapolis, San Francisco, and other regions TBD

Registration opens on September 22, 2022.

Stay tuned for more details!

Why is it so important to SAVE THE DATE to attend NCN’s Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit on December 6-8, 2022? Watch NCN’s three-minute video to find out!


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