NCN has partnered with BMO Harris Bank to launch BMO for Native-owned Businesses as part of its five-year, $5 billion BMO EMpower initiative aimed at supporting an inclusive economic recovery for minority businesses, communities and families through lending, investing, giving and engagement in local communities. The program, launched on National Indigenous Peoples Day, expands the bank’s investment in small business lending to increase resources for women-, Black- and Latinx-owned businesses to include Native American-owned businesses. The partnership will expand funding and resources to Native American Communities across BMO’s footprint.

“At the heart of Native CDFI Network’s (NCN) work is economic justice for Native people through access to capital and basic financial services. This newly formed partnership between NCN and BMO will more directly connect small business owners with Native CDFIs and, in turn, strengthen financial inclusion of Native people,” said Pete Upton, Interim CEO, Native CDFI Network. “NCN looks forward to launching and – over time – expanding this partnership to grow NCN’s ability to provide technical assistance to its Native CDFI members.”

Click here to learn more about the program

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