The Native CDFI Network (NCN) needs to hear more from you about how the CDFI Fund’s proposed changes to CDFI Certification will impact your Native CDFI.

Purpose of Survey: To better understand and raise policymaker awareness about the nature and gravity of the likely impacts of the CDFI Fund’s proposed revisions on Native CDFIs, NCN created this comprehensive survey for Native CDFI leaders to complete. The survey consists of 16 multiple choice questions and takes an estimated 10 minutes to complete. Your answers are confidential, and NCN plans to use the anonymized data from the survey results to continue to advocate for Native CDFIs’ collective interests regarding CDFI Certification between now and early April.

Survey background: On October 1, 2022, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s CDFI Fund instituted a six-month pause on all new CDFI Certification applications so it could carry out a public comment process on its proposed revisions to the CDFI Certification Application, Target Market Assessment Methodologies (TMAMs), and Annual Certification and Data Collection Report and Transaction Level Report (ACR and TLR). This pause is set to end on April 3, 2023, when the new Application and related regulations are slated to take effect and Native CDFIs will once again be able to apply for Treasury certification or re-certification.

Working closely with Native CDFIs across the country, the Native CDFI Network (NCN) submitted formal comments on the CDFI Certification Application and TMAMs in December, and it plans to submit comments on the ACR/TLR by the January 27, 2023 comment deadline.

We kindly ask that Native CDFI leaders complete this survey by Wednesday, January 25, 2023. 

Answer Survey Here!

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