NACDC Financial Services’ mission is to provide alternative financing opportunities for Native American entrepreneurs and small businesses in communities in and near Indian Reservations. NACDCFS is a member of the Mountain | Plains Regional Native CDFI Coalition and recipient of funding from the US Economic Development Administration (EDA) Build Back Better Regional Challenge to support the innovation ecosystem of the region’s Indigenous Finance Industry. NACDC Financial Services is recruiting a Project Director to oversee this program. The project will invest in human capital through culturally relevant, recruitment and skills-based training programs, building the capacity of existing Native CDFI staff and creating a pipeline of qualified candidates ready to enter the Indigenous Finance Industry. Based on the Coalition’s Holistic Framework, the proposed project will catalyze a range of impacts through strategically designed solutions. As the Indigenous Finance Industry continues to grow and develop, Native CDFIs explore, create, and refine equitable platforms to create access to capital and build assets within Native communities. As the project works to develop pools of qualified candidates for the Indigenous Finance Industry and other jobs in Native communities, the Coalition will simultaneously explore potential solutions for wrap-around services required by job candidates.

The Project Director is responsible for the overall management of the program, including coordinating with partners, overseeing project implementation, financial and administrative oversight, reporting, and monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Click here to view the full job description.

To be considered for this position, submit a cover letter, resume, and three letters of recommendation to:

Project Director
c/o NACDC Financial Services Inc. PO Box 3029
Browning, MT 59417-3029

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