On Friday, May 12, the Native CDFI Network (NCN) submitted formal comment letters to federal agencies sharing and advancing the consensus priorities of Native CDFIs and key national partners on two key policy and funding issues: (1) the Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program) Financial Assistance (FA) and Technical Assistance (TA) Applications, and (2) the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF).

NACA FA and TA Applications: NCN’s comment letter shared Native CDFIs’ thoughts and concerns regarding key questions posed by the CDFI Fund about the NACA FA and TA Applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2025 Funding Rounds. The letter featured 32 Native CDFI and other key national and regional organizational co-signatories, including Clearinghouse CDFI and the Rural Community Assistance Corporation. To read NCN’s comment letter on the NACA FA and TA Applications, please click here.

Members Only: CDFI Fund Proposed Revisions Webinar

Updated Implementation Guidance for GGRF: Among other recommendations, NCN’s comment letter called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to select a Native non-profit eligible entity as one of the handful of “hubs” to which EPA will allocate significant federal funding under the GGRF’s Clean Communities Investment Accelerator Fund. The letter featured 33 Native CDFI and other key national and regional organizational co-signatories, including the African American Alliance of CDFI CEOs, Inclusiv, National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders-NALCAB, National CAPACD, and Prosperity Now. To read NCN’s comment letter on the Updated Implementation Guidance for GGRF, please click here.

Members Only: GGRF Updated Guidance Briefing

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