The Federal Reserve’s CDFI Survey aims to understand current challenges and opportunities for CDFIs nationwide. The information collected helps provide policymakers, researchers, practitioners, funders, investors, and other community development stakeholders with timely information about the CDFI industry. CDFIs can also use the results to compare their organization to a larger national sample and to learn about other CDFIs’ innovative products and practices. The survey asks CDFIs about demand for their products, challenges in meeting demand, new products and practices they have developed, and their approaches to measuring outputs and outcomes.

The survey effort is a partnership of the Federal Reserve Bank, the CDFI Fund, CDFI Coalition, Community Development Bankers Association, First Nations Oweesta Corporation, Opportunity Finance Network, Native CDFI Network, NeighborWorks America, and Inclusiv.

This survey is open to all CDFIs. The survey is completely voluntary and may be distributed to multiple individuals at your organization, but only one response per organization is necessary.

The deadline to complete the survey is 11:59 PM ET on Friday, June 2, 2023.

Additional information about the 2023 CDFI Survey is available here.

Complete the Survey Here!

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