Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) established the Ned Gramlich Lifetime Achievement Award for Responsible Finance in memory of former board member and Federal Reserve Board Governor, Ned Gramlich. The spirit of the award is to celebrate people of distinction who have produced a body of work that sets them apart within the CDFI industry. The 2023 Gramlich Award will be presented this October during the 2023 OFN Conference: Capital Meets Purpose in Washington, D.C., October 15-18, 2023.

OFN members, allies, and other industry partners are invited to nominate individuals who embody the following characteristics. Please note that current OFN Board members are not eligible for nomination.

  • A career dedicated to the core purpose and values that define opportunity finance

  • An exemplary set of work products in or related to the practice of opportunity finance; and

  • Is an appropriate representative of the opportunity finance industry

Nominate a CDFI leader for the 2023 Ned Gramlich Award by Thursday, September 7! All nominations also require two seconds, which are due by Friday, September 8, at 11:59 pm ET. Two of the three submissions must come from outside the nominee’s organization.

Visit OFN’s Gramlich Award webpage to learn more about the award and review the list of prior honorees.

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