WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced the appointment of new members to the Consumer Advisory Board, Community Bank Advisory Council, Credit Union Advisory Council, and Academic Research Council.

Among the CFPB’s new appointees to the Consumer Advisory Board is Fern Orie, who serves as Chief Executive Officer of The Matriarch Group. NCN congratulates Fern on her appointment!

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act charges the CFPB with establishing a Consumer Advisory Board to provide advice on a variety of consumer finance issues. Members of the Consumer Advisory Board represent the various districts of the Federal Reserve System. Each member appointed to the Consumer Advisory Board was recommended by a president of a Federal Reserve Bank.

The Community Bank Advisory Council and Credit Union Advisory Council advise and consult the CFPB on financial issues related to community banks and credit unions. The Academic Research Council engages on the strategic research planning process and research agenda, and it provides feedback on research methodologies and collection strategies.

Please click here for a full list of CFPB’s Advisory Committee appointments.

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