This week, NCN expanded its strategy to lead the development of a clean energy finance ecosystem for Indian Country. In addition to submitting the only exclusively Native-serving application to the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator (CCIA) program, NCN has supported other applications with clearly articulated plans to include Native lenders and communities under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). NCN is supporting an application to the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) program with Climate United, a consortium comprised of Calvert Impact, Community Preservation Corporation, and Self-Help. NCN’s CEO, Pete Upton, will serve on Climate United’s Advisory Council.

Upton noted, “NCN vetted numerous GGRF partnership opportunities to ensure that Native CDFIs and communities would have a seat at the table, have a voice that would be heard, and assurances that funds would be allocated for clean energy projects in Indian Country. The goals of NCN and Climate United are closely aligned and we look forward to partnering with them upon a successful award.”

NCN is also a partner on three Solar for All applications submitted by the Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association (MTERA),  GRID Alternatives Western Indigenous Network Coalition, and the Triple Bottom Line Foundation (TBLF) and provided support letters for member applications for the Solar for All competition.

Each of these opportunities will funnel resources to Native CDFIs and communities to expand and strengthen our industry and, in turn, support thriving, sustainable Native economies.

To read more about NCN’s CCIA application, click here.

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