The Native CDFI Network (NCN) officially released its 2023 Policy and Advocacy Report for NCN members, supporters, partners, and other key stakeholders.

The report outlines NCN’s major policy and advocacy achievements and advancements from 2023. Key highlights featured in the report include calling for increased funding and a tribal-set aside for the HUD Section 4 Program, hosted a two-part webcast of NCN Live on commercial solar finance for Native CDFIs and released a white paper on the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. In October, NCN also submitted the only Native-led, exclusively Native-serving application for the EPA’s Clean Communities Investment Accelerator program, representing a groundbreaking collaboration of 63 certified and emerging Native community development financial institutions (CDFIs) and CCIA-qualified community lenders across all 10 EPA regions.

If you are interested in supporting NCN in their endeavors to be a national voice and advocate that strengthens and promotes Native CDFIs by creating access to capital and resources for Native peoples, and collectively advancing policy priorities that foster systemic and sustainable Native community and economic development, please click here to donate.

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