The due dates to submit annual compliance report(s) vary by fiscal year end date and type of award, as well as by the specific terms within each organization’s individual Award, Assistance and/or Allocation Agreement(s). The due date for Certified CDFIs to submit the ACR also varies by fiscal year end date. This reminder is specifically for organizations with Award, Assistance and/or Allocation Agreements, as well as ACRs, which have an upcoming report(s) due by June 30, 2024.

The CDFI Fund will resume accepting Certification Applications in the Awards Management Information System (AMIS) on September 16, 2024, only for currently CDFIs who notified the CDFI Fund in February 2024 of their intent to submit an early Certification Application. All other currently Certified CDFIs will gain access to the Certification Application in AMIS based on the updated general reapplication submission schedule.

The CDFI Fund has developed training materials to help users better navigate AMIS. All AMIS training manuals and information can be found on the AMIS Training Materials page at Information and instructions on submitting annual compliance and certification reports, as well as Material Events forms can be found on the CDFI Fund’s website.