The Native CDFI Network (NCN) invites all Native CDFIs to respond to a short survey about current efforts by the Trump Administration and emerging efforts by some in Congress to delay, withhold, reduce, or eliminate the federal funding upon which Native CDFIs rely. The survey, which takes an estimated 10 minutes to complete, asks Native CDFI leaders which federal funding programs currently fund their organizations’ work, and how efforts to “freeze” or otherwise delay already appropriated/awarded federal dollars or significantly reduce or eliminate key federal funding streams will negatively impact the people they serve. It also asks specific questions about the CDFI Fund’s Native American CDFI Assistance (NACA) Program.

Native CDFI leaders are encouraged to be detailed and concrete in answering the survey’s questions below so that NCN can properly educate the Administration and Congress about the need to protect the federal funding that supports the critical work of Native CDFIs. Survey responses will be anonymized.

The survey response deadline is this Friday, February 7 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Reply to the survey here.

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