Native Community Development Financial Institution Relending Demonstration Program Webinar

On Tuesday, June 20 at 2:00 PM ET, the Single Family Housing Direct Division will be offering a webinar for Native Community Development Financial Institutions (NCDFI’s) to provide an overview and discussion of the application process outlined in the Native Community Development Financial Relending Demonstration Program-Notice of Funding Availability.

Credit Ready Meat and Poultry Lending Professional Training – Virtual Series

The USDA Credit Ready Meat and Poultry Lending Professional Training – Virtual Series is designed for individuals who work at community-based lending institutions (credit unions, CDFIs, and community banks) and other entities eligible for the Meat and Poultry Intermediary Lending Program or the Food Supply Chain Guaranteed Loan Program who are interested in increasing their organizations’ activity in the meat and poultry processing space.

Tribal Business News reports on HUD Section 4 Program that “has bypassed Indian Country”

In a recent letter written by the Native CDFI Network, National American Indian Housing Council, and the Sovereign Council of Hawaiian Homestead Associations, the three Native non-profits ask Congress for a boost in total funding to $50 million in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 4 program, along with a 10% Native set aside.

Bank of America “Driving Impact” Webinar – April 20, 2023

The Bank of America Charitable Foundation’s Driving Impact Webinar Series gives non-profit leaders the power to drive impact in the community by connecting them to tools, resources, and expertise, and focusing on topics such as leadership development, non-profit sustainability, industry trends and innovative approaches to economic mobility.

CDFI Fund Requests Public Comment on CDFI Program and NACA Program Applications

The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund), U.S. Department of the Treasury, is soliciting comments on the Community Development Financial Institutions Program (CDFI Program) and the Native American CDFI Assistance Program (NACA Program) Financial Assistance (FA) and Technical Assistance (TA) Applications for the fiscal years (FYs) 2023-2025 funding rounds.

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