NCN Live: Input Needed on CDFI/NACA FY 2023-2025 Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance Applications


On May 2nd at 2 p.m. ET, NCN hosts Treasury’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Economic Development (OCED) Noel Andrés Poyo and Lisa Wagner of Bluestem Consulting.

Part I: Noel Poyo will share information about Treasury’s work related to Native CDFIs and Native communities. He will then remain on the webinar to listen to a facilitated discussion with Native CDFI leaders to highlight their perspectives about Treasury and CDFI Fund policies and programs.

Part II: Lisa Wagner, of Bluestem Consulting, will facilitate a discussion with Native CDFI leaders to highlight their perspectives about Treasury and CDFI Fund policies and programs along with the CDFI Fund’s request for public comment on the newly revised FY 2023-2025 Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance Applications.

A few examples of key input the CDFI Fund is looking for include:

  • Should the CDFI Fund use a CDFI’s net asset ratio to demonstrate that it is effectively leveraging resources? If yes, what should the target net asset ratio be?
  • Should the CDFI Fund consider eliminating the Sponsoring Entity model?
  • Should the CDFI Fund adjust its FA Application to better collect information and evaluate an Applicant’s ability to serve the unique needs of Native Communities?
  • The CDFI Fund is contemplating adding “Deep Impact Lending” going forward as a potential new PG & M requirement (Deep Impact means financing activities that reach the hardest to serve borrowers and communities). What definitions/metrics should be used to qualify as “Deep Impact” lending?
  • And many more potentially impactful changes.

We want to hear from you regarding these and other questions offered by the CDFI Fund. Check out the full request for public comment here.


May 2, 2023
2:00 pm EDT - 3:00 pm EDT
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