NCN Webinar – FTC Resources on Consumer Protection Topics

Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) attorneys Joannie Wei and Matt Schiltz will present on trending issues related to scams and other common consumer protection topics. They will highlight the free FTC resources available to all, including material related to scam prevention, financial literacy, and how to recover when someone experiences identity theft. After the presentation, there will be time to discuss any issues participants would like to raise and the ways the FTC can support Native CDFI Network members and the communities they serve.

Here is an overview of topics to be covered:

  • Top scams across the country
    • Online resources available to people who are interested in drilling down on a particular geographic area to see what is most common near them
  • Spotlight on particular common scams:
    • Imposter scams
    • Online shopping scams
    • Job scams
    • Identity theft
    • Financial scams, such as those related to debt relief, debt collection, check cashing, and lending practices
  • What FTC can do to support Native communities, e.g.:
    • Free FTC resources
    • Where people can go to report and get a customized recovery plan
    • Alerts, articles, and blog posts about trends, recent scams, and other consumer topics
  • Time for discussion/questions

Joannie Wei is Assistant Director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Midwest Region in Chicago. Matthew Schiltz is an attorney in the FTC’s Midwest Region, where he investigates potentially deceptive and unfair business practices and litigates enforcement actions regarding consumer protection laws.

Please join us for this webinar on November 10, 2022 at 2:00 P.M. ET.


November 10, 2022
2:00 pm EST - 3:00 pm EST
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