Washington, DC – On Monday, December 6, 2021, the first of hopefully many roundtable discussions took place between tribal leaders, Native CDFIs, and the U.S. Treasury. This event was held virtually to answer questions and clarify potential investment models, including Native CDFI partners, to support Native entrepreneurs by leveraging SSBCI resources.

Native CDFI Network and U.S. Treasury’s Adair Morse (Deputy Assistant Secretary of Capital Access), James Clark (Outreach Manager, SSBCI), Ronald Kelly (Outreach Lead), and the Minneapolis Fed’s James Colombe (Senior Project Manager, Community Development and Engagement, former US Treasury SSBCI detailed) hosted a round table discussion for Tribes and Native CDFIs in accessing the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Program.  The four panelists presented to more than 70 attendees for a 90-minute session and answered over twenty questions from the attendees on the virtual discussion.

“Thank you, Native CDFI Network for leaning into the need to explore options in a more open platform to allow collective brainstorming,” said Tonya Plummer, Montana Native Growth Fund Executive Director and NCN Policy Committee member.

The Native CDFI Network has been actively involved in providing support for Tribes and Native CDFIs that support the implementation of economic recovery efforts of our Tribal nations and our Native-owned small businesses. The panelists provided an opportunity to participate in a Round Table Discussion and ask the Treasury questions about the SSBCI program.

The next Round Table discussion will be hosted on Monday, December 13, 2021 by NCN.

View the round table discussion in its entirety below.


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