The Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) has released updated information for Certified Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) regarding the 2023 reporting round for the Annual Certification and Data Collection Report (ACR).

The CDFI Fund has updated the supporting information for the ACR to reflect the changes made for the 2023 reporting round, which launched in December. Specifically, there are four changes to the ACR form. Three changes pertain to existing questions that tracked activity related to the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Since PPP tracking is no longer relevant for fiscal year (FY) 2022 activity, the CDFI Fund is removing a PPP-related question and updating answer choice options on two other questions to remove PPP references. The remaining change involves including the 2016-2020 American Community Survey dataset as an answer choice for the Target Market dataset question.

The CDFI Fund is providing an updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document, as well as instructions for completing the ACR, which can be accessed at under the Step 2: Reporting page.

For the 2023 reporting cycle, all Certified CDFIs regardless of their date of Certification are required to submit an ACR. Submission of the ACR on an annual basis is a requirement of CDFI Certification. Currently Certified CDFIs will NOT lose their Certification or be placed into a cure based on responses to the 2023 ACR. However, CDFIs that fail to submit their 2023 ACR by the required deadline may be decertified. Please review the updated FAQs document for more specific information.

Upcoming ACR Conference Call 

For the 2023 reporting round, the CDFI Fund is holding one ACR-related conference call which is intended to serve as a forum for Certified CDFIs and other ACR stakeholders to ask questions and discuss the ACR and its submission process. The call is free to the general public and does not require advance registration. This conference call is scheduled for Thursday, March 16, at 3:00 pm ET. More information can be accessed on the CDFI Fund’s website, here.

To access the conference call participants need to call the toll-free number (888) 848-6712 and dial in the numeric Participant Pass-code “8742864”.

Questions regarding CDFI Certification and the ACR may be directed to the Office of Certification Policy and Evaluation by email to [email protected], via an AMIS Service Request, or by phone to (202) 653-0423.

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