Native CDFI Network’s CEO Pete Upton participated in a roundtable meeting on March 21, 2023 hosted by JP Morgan Chase & Co. in Washington, D.C.

Upton said, “It was an insightful meeting focused on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and the importance of including BIPOC voices in this initiative.”

The primary objective of this convening was to explore opportunities to optimize and leverage the capabilities of CDFIs as implementors of the financing infrastructure to successfully deploy GGRF grants and finance an accelerated and inclusive clean energy transition in target communities.

Participating organizations: RMI, Natural Resources Defense Council, NRDC: NRDC,  ClimateWorks, Climate Policy Initiative, CPI, Environmental Defense Fund, EDF, Energy Foundation, EF: U.S. Energy Foundation, American Council on an Energy Efficient Economy, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Clean Air Task Force, American Council on Renewable Energy, ACORE, Harvard Environmental and Energy Law Program, University of New Hampshire Carsey Center for Impact Finance, Opportunity Finance Network, African American Alliance of CDFI CEOs, Appalachian Community Capital, National Bankers Association, National Association of Latino Community Asset Builders, Native CDFI Network, National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development, Prosperity Now, Inclusiv, Solar Energy Loan Fund, Housing Partnership Network, Enterprise Community Partners, Relay Network, Elevate Network, National Housing Trust, and Rising Tide Strategies.

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