Mel Willie, Director of Native Partnerships and Strategy, with NeighborWorks America joined “NCN Live” on June 22 for a conversation sharing an overview of NeighborWorks America and the spectrum of services and supports they provide to expand the development of Native housing and homeownership across the country.

Willie shared data on housing needs in Indian Country, an overview of NeighborWorks America’s new Native Strategy, and the benefits of being a NeighborWorks chartered member including unrestricted grants, technical assistance, professional training and certification, peer learning, organizational assessment, access to subject matter experts, and data collection and analysis.

When referring to funding sources for Native housing, Willie said “there’s just not enough, we know that. For us to really make an impact on the housing need in Indian Country, we have to have the ability to leverage those Federal funds”.

“This is one of the best conversations [about Native housing] we’ve had,” NCN’s Pete Upton claims.

NCN Members have access to the full conversation, presentation slides, and additional resources in the NCN Member Portal.

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