Robin Puanani Danner | SCHHA

“The 2022 Annual Policy & Capacity Building Summit was in a word, extraordinary. Native CDFIs across the country, in every region of Indian Country, engaged directly with high level federal and private sector officials. There is nothing more impactful in policy making and policy advocacy, in building new and improved futures for our communities, than direct engagement.  NCN is vital in this space!”

Dave Tovey | Nixyáawii Community Financial Services

“This year’s Native CDFI Network Annual Summit was an explosion of new resources, partnerships, and energy! Our fearless leader Pete Upton and his team assembled an unprecedented line-up of speakers at the highest levels of CDFI policy and government. We’re already seeing reaction to our advocacy on a number of policy fronts. With the impacts of the pandemic easing, it was delightful to see sister Native CDFI leadership from around the country out in full force!”

Michael D. Carroll | RCAC

“NCN’s Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit was two-and-a-half days packed with valuable information and networking opportunities. RCAC is a supporting member of NCN and I appreciate that Native CDFIs are taking on some of the toughest challenges for economic justice in the country. During the Summit, I heard powerful success stories and also top policy makers and leaders speak to the issues that affect not only Native CDFIs but all CDFIs. I encourage all CDFIs to connect with NCN to learn about their work.”

Rollin Wood | Native Partnership for Housing

“I want to compliment Pete Upton and his extraordinary staff for putting on an exceptional Policy & Capacity-Building Summit. Of all the meetings I have attended throughout my career, the summit was without question the most productive three days of meetings I have ever attended. The sessions were relevant to our work and fast paced. There was no wasted time. The hours flew by. Most importantly, I was able to walk away with valuable knowledge which we can immediately implement to serve our Native communities.”

Andy Gordon | Clearinghouse CDFI

“NCN’s 2022 Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit was, in a word, inspiring.  For sure, the titles of the national policy speakers and practitioner panelists were impressive.  But, even more importantly, the content of most all of the presentations and discussions proved to be rich with powerful content that was both motivating and actionable.  I feel honored to have listened and shared experiences at this unique gathering in the U.S. Capitol.  It is a humbling privilege for me and Clearinghouse CDFI to work with so many remarkable individuals and policy makers dedicated to building on the unique strengths of Native CDFIs and their fair, just and important impact on the financial, educational, health, environmental and cultural well‑being of our communities and our country.”

Cindy Logsdon | Citizen Potawatomi Community Development Corporation

“The NCN Policy and Capacity Building Summit was an awe-inspiring event. With the array of speakers that spoke to the most pressing issues of the NCDFI industry and demonstrated a real ear for the issues and concerns we collectively are facing. The momentum that has been gained by NCN in leading change is seen and felt. Seize the day, NCDFIs!”

Rjay Brunkow | Indian Land Capital Company

“The NCN Annual Policy and Capacity Building Summit is a can’t-miss event for Native CDFIs. Each session was packed with spot-on topics, expert presenters, policy makers and information I found invaluable. This event is critical for Native CDFIs and those who do business with them.  The NCN Summit was an amazing three days!”

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