The Native CDFI Network (NCN) strongly encourages all Native CDFIs and other key Indian Country stakeholder organizations to submit comments on the CDFI Fund’s proposed Annual Certification and Data Collection Report Form and the abbreviated Transaction Level Report (ACR/CTLR) as part of its proposed CDFI Certification overhaul. The comment deadline is this Friday, January 27, 2023. To support your organization in doing so, NCN is providing you with two options:

1. SIGN ON TO NCN’S COMMENTS: Please view NCN’s comments here. To add your organization as a co-signatory on NCN’s comments, please have your organization’s chief executive click on this link to add their name and position title and your organization’s name. Note: Please sign on by Friday, January 27 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time.

2. SUBMIT YOUR OWN COMMENTS USING NCN’S CUSTOMIZABLE TEMPLATE: Download this customizable template featuring NCN’s general comments and make it your own by inserting your content where prompted in yellow highlighted text. Note: To submit your comments by Friday’s deadline, please email them to [email protected] with the subject line “Comment Request: Annual Certification and Data Collection Report Form and the Abbreviated Transaction Level Report.”

Background on the ACR/CTLR: In May 2020, the CDFI Fund requested public comment on proposed revisions to the CDFI Certification Application (Application) and reporting requirements for Certified CDFIs, including the introduction of the Certification Transaction Level Report (CTLR). As a result of comments received during that public comment period, the CDFI Fund made additional revisions to the existing ACR, the new CTLR, and proposed Certification Application. According to the CDFI Fund, the revised ACR, new CTLR, certification policies, and Application attempt both to provide the flexibility necessary for CDFIs to grow and to serve the hardest to reach distressed communities, and to maintain the integrity of what it means to be a Certified CDFI from a mission perspective. To learn more, click here.

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